Happy November, everyone! Yes, you read that right: November, the month of Thanksgiving! Over the next few weeks, we’ll be given plenty of reminders to recognize the abundance of beauty and good that exists virtually everywhere in our lives.
Upon hearing this, some of us may involuntarily roll our eyeballs or inadvertently let out a groan. And I get it, believe me, I get it. But for those of us in the yoga/personal growth community, even though it may seem corny and out of touch, we know that a healthy dose of gratitude in our lives can be exactly what the doctor ordered. Allow me to pontificate…
When we start to cultivate gratitude in our daily lives, it forces us to slow down and get present. Our focus moves away from the negative forces in our life (the never-ending and constantly replenishing to-do list, budget restrictions, world affairs, health concerns) to noticing precisely what is happening in this moment; right here, right now. A great way to accomplish this is by shifting our attention away from the busyness of our minds and moving it into our bodies, into our hearts. Within seconds, no matter what is happening around us and how we might be interpreting it, we feel good. Then, with our attention on our hearts, we allow one of the many things we’re grateful for to swell up and expand within this space.
Think you don’t have much to be grateful for? Think again! Having the ability to read this blog on the internet using a computer (or phone) is the perfect place to start!
Want something even more simple? How about any one of your five senses? What was the last thing you tasted? What are you able to see around you right now? What can you hear? To whom are you able to reach out and give a hug? Get it? Opportunities abound!!
As many deep truths, science backs up all the gratitude hype. Gratitude increases physical and mental health, improves our self-esteem and mental strength, and helps us sleep better. Gratitude helps strengthen our relationships with others and with ourselves, not to mention it increases our productivity and the ability to achieve our goals.
When it’s all said and done, taking a pause and cultivating our ability to be grateful produces happiness, and isn’t that what we all want?
So go on, give it a try. I’ll go first: I am extremely grateful for YOU! Your support gives me the ability to do what I love, to write this blog, and to help grow our yoga community. Thank you. <3
Okay…now it’s your turn!
With Endless Gratitude,
Kristine and the OYC Team