Liberation and Freedom…

Hey everyone, it’s July, the month when we, the citizens of the United States, carry on with our annual tradition of celebrating our country’s Independence on July 4th; barbeque, family, friends, fireworks, it’s a blast (pun intended)! However, in light of recent actions and decisions made by those holding power in our great nation, some of us, including yours truly, may not feel quite so motivated to celebrate. If you’ve been experiencing such feelings, you may find solace in the phenomenal teachings of yoga’s ancient texts. The Yoga Sutras, for instance, tell us that we as human beings possess the unique ability to choose Freedom & Liberation for ourselves, no matter our citizenship, on a daily basis. What does this mean, liberation from what, you may ask? Well, as a country, we know we were seeking liberation from England and the rule of King George III, but what about us as individuals, as yogis?

In yoga, we learn that the body-mind is an instrument for recognizing our divine nature as the truth of who we are. On our mats, in our asana practice, our body-mind is developed. We learn and experience numerous techniques that benefit us, mentally, emotionally, and physically, in every possible way. As we continue practicing, we improve our health and physique, experience a sense of calm and peace, gain new purpose, and feel more profound happiness. Our everyday lives improve and create life mastery. And with ALL of this, there is still more!

The ultimate purpose of yoga is liberation, or moksha. We can think of it as liberation from our smaller, limited selves and liberation as our higher, unlimited Selves. To recognize our higher Self is to experience who and what we are: Divine Consciousness. When we are experiencing this level of awareness, an inner bliss takes over from within, and the separation between “us” and “them” or “me” and “you” disappears. We are at one with what is and know ourselves to be much more than the body-mind.

As we celebrate our country’s Liberation this year, recognize what’s possible and available to you right now! Genuinely experiencing this emancipation is not only your right as a citizen but as a card-carrying member of the human race!

And, if you’ve made it this far into the blog, our TrueForm® YTT might interest you. Our  200-hour training certifies you to become a yoga alliance-approved instructor and much more! It’s about finding your TrueForm® through Life Mastery and Liberation, on and off the mat! We are currently preparing for our next training, starting up in late August.