OYC Blog

Dedicated to supporting your practice on and off the mat.

Giving the Gift of ReceivingFa La La, Ho Ho Ho, Season’s Greetings, and Let’s Go Shopping! The holidays are upon us; we’ve got gifts to buy, lists to check, and people to make happy, right? This busyness is a prequisite to get into the holiday spirit, right? If you’re...

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Yoga and TranscendenceYoga and transcendence are weighty words with significant meanings and potentially life-changing implications, but most of us don’t realize just how much the two have in common. Generally speaking, we revere transcendence as a state reserved...

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Establishing a RoutineHey everyone, welcome to September! For many of us, our kids have been back in school for the last couple of weeks, recommitting to their education and growth and establishing a whole new routine for themselves. Some kids get super excited to...

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A Core Practice of Yoga: Tapas FREE YTT information session this Friday, August 5th @6pm. Click here to sign up now <3  For those of us here in Florida, August is one of the hottest, if not THE hottest, times of the year. With temperatures climbing to their peak,...

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Liberation and Freedom...Hey everyone, it’s July, the month when we, the citizens of the United States, carry on with our annual tradition of celebrating our country’s Independence on July 4th; barbeque, family, friends, fireworks, it’s a blast (pun intended)!...

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Acceptance of the UnacceptableAcceptance is a loaded concept, at least it has been to me. In the past, when a well-meaning friend or family member would counsel me to accept an upsetting situation and to move on, I was indignant! Acceptance meant that I was either...

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A Yogic Perspective on Karma Karma is a term that tends to get thrown around fairly loosely by those of us in the West. We lean towards a belief that Karma is some sort of entity floating around, keeping track of when we’ve been naughty and when we’ve been nice, kind...

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Energy Follows AttentionIf you’re reading this, congratulations, you’ve made it to Spring, 2022! With the change of season, many of us may be noticing a lightening of our burdens, an openness in our minds, a lifting of our spirits, and yes, a spring in our steps! Yes,...

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Nurturing and Cultivating Love through Presence and AwarenessHello Yogis, as many of you regulars know, we are currently in the midst of another Yoga Teacher Training here at OYC. As part of our curriculum, we are learning about the eight limbs of yoga, as codified in...

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